Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Debi & Stori: Mouse Chat

We were chatting about our last two posts, and it was so interesting, we decided to just post our chat transcript. It IS a small world, but it sure does have a lot of tiny hidden corners.

I would not last two hours on your farm.

I AM sorry that you've had such sad and difficult experiences with city life.


i guess that was a public apology to you about my 1st reaction with the school news

i did exactly what you were fighting against


You didn't owe me one. I wasn't angry with you. You are like someone from another country in that regard -- you don't understand what it's like. That reporter knew exactly what he was doing.



i just wanted to make sure


I think it comes down to a very simple question, for me:

Are people generally good, with some bad apples, or are people generally bad, with a few nice exceptions?

Naively, perhaps, I think they're generally good.


i just can't trust the general public. but i would hope it would be the good way


This is going to sound really dumb...


i doubt it


...but I actually believe that putting out positive, trusting energy into the world can make it manifest.

I send out love. Love reaches people. People return it.


that is a wonderful thought

wouldn't that be a great world to live in?


Stori, I am going to say this with no attitude at all, but that's hard to hear over text on the internet...


...we DO live in that world.

Think of you and I.

You and I do live in that world. You and I trusted each other and it worked out well. How many chances to have that same experience with other people have we BOTH missed out on because we sent out scared, mistrustful vibes instead of loving ones?


i'll have to think about this


I promise that I am not saying that in any kind of angry tone.

But perhaps it answers any question you might have about how I can live in a city.


i don't take it that way at all.


I look around me and see all these people, all the time, people everywhere...

...and I think about all the friendships I could have with them. Any of them. All of them, if I had the time.

I have been so surprised by who I can connect to, given the chance.


ok, think about this

this is another small example of how different our worlds are



It's funny -- I was thinking about the types of things that would worry me in your world.

#1 among them would be letting my kids so near to animals all the time.

And me too -- a horse could kick someone! bite someone! cows are huge -- what if one fell on Sammi?!

What if one of the dogs didn't trust these new people around him/her and just attacked?


LOL, they only fall if you push it over


All of this, I realize, sounds ridiculous to you.


and my fears of the city sound just as ridiculous to you



I can see why you'd be afraid, given the experiences (or lack of them) you've had.

And the same for me.

So if I came to visit you, I'd just have to ask a lot of questions, follow your lead, and trust you.


the same as i would you

but i'm afraid after a while you feel like you were leading a short bus version of tour chicago


Hell no

I'd get a kick out of watching your eyes widen and your mouth droop open. :D


this is EXACTLY why i love the idea of our blog


Yep, me too.

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